Our Code is our fundamental ground rule and guideline for how we conduct our business and relationships.
Our Code defines us and the way that we conduct ourselves both internally and externally. We strive to earn and maintain the trust of our customers and other business partners as well as the general public and government agencies, while doing the right thing for our communities and one another. We will always endeavor to exceed these principles and standards.
Individual Responsibility
Individually and collectively, we have a moral responsibility for ethical behavior and professional conduct.
Our business environment must reflect a workplace where all are respected and appreciated for their individual capabilities and talents.
We must trust one another that we are each working in the best interest of all and not to satisfy personal interests or agendas that are not in line with our company objectives.
Compliance with Policies
We shall strive to comply with all guidance in both practice and spirit.
Doing Business with Others
We will strive to ally with companies that share our commitment to ethics and values.
Community Service
We actively support the communities in which we operate by being good citizens and stewards of the environment and natural resources and volunteering to support many worthwhile community programs.